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DiSabatino CPA Blog

DiSabatino CPA Blog

A blog by Michael DiSabatino CPA with topics on Tax Savings, Business, Management and more...

Mike's weekly post usually concentrated on tax saving strategies.

Deducting Summer Activity Expenses - Don't forget to save receipts

The kids are out of school and summer is well underway. Make sure you understand the rules regarding the tax deductibility of summer activities and related daycare expenses through the use of the Child and Dependent Care Credit. Collecting those receipts now can save plenty during tax time.

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  28645 Hits

Tax Tips to Aid in Retiring Early: Don't forget to look at the retirement specials on the tax menu

Wouldn’t it be nice to check out of the workforce early and not have to worry about having enough money for retirement? While good financial planning can help you get there, leveraging the tax code as part of your retirement plan is also a good idea. Here are some tax tips that could help you reach your early retirement goal.

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Estate Taxes: What EVERYONE Should Know

Most taxpayers ignore the federal estate tax, thinking they will never be touched by it. Unfortunately, you do this at your own peril. Why? Because states often have this tax AND politicians have a habit of frequently changing the rules. The best approach for all taxpayers is to understand the basics of the estate tax. Here is a quick summary of common questions you should be able to answer.

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  29928 Hits

Common Tax Filing Mistakes

With the tax filing extension giving you until July 15th to file your return, it is easy to overlook ways to avoid receiving a letter from the IRS. Here are some of the most common tax filing mistakes:

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  35231 Hits

Should I Pay My Tax Bill With a Credit Card?

Your tax bill is now due and you may be considering paying the bill with your credit card. Is this a good idea? How does it work?

Here is what you need to know

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  23005 Hits

Using Losers to Make Winners

With the uncertainty in the marketplace, now is a good time to review the rules surrounding investment losses. This knowledge can really help minimize your tax obligation next year. This is because investment gains and income can be subject to a variety of federal tax rates as high as 37%. This, plus the 3.8% net investment income tax, makes planning around when to take investment losses an important tax subject this year.

Know the meaningful rules

What makes investment losses such an important tax planning subject? Here are the relevant tax ramifications surrounding investment losses.

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  21943 Hits

Understanding the Home Gain Exclusion - When is a tax planning session essential?

One of the biggest tax benefits available today is the exclusion of gains when you sell your qualified home. Here is what you need to know.

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Review IRA Beneficiaries Now - Lost in the pandemic is a tax law change that may require your attention

Lost in the media storm during the coronavirus pandemic is a law change enacted in late 2019 that eliminates an IRA withdrawal technique known as the stretch IRA. Here is what you need to know.

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  21145 Hits

Beware: COVID-19 Tax Scams are Here - Economic impact payments bring out thieves

The IRS is warning you to be on the lookout for a surge of calls and e-mail phishing attempts related to the coronavirus pandemic and the one-time economic impact payment.

It can come in many forms

The IRS says that scammers may do the following when trying to contact you:

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  20969 Hits

Tax Savvy Moves to Consider During the Pandemic

Who would ever have foreseen a time when petroleum companies would pay you to take their oil? This phenomena underscores the concept that within every problem there is opportunity. Here are some tax strategies to think about during the coronavirus pandemic.

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  21554 Hits

Get Your Money: Ensure You Receive a Stimulus Payment - Status and non-filer tools launched by IRS

The IRS recently announced the launch of web sites for non-tax filers to register to receive their economic impact payment and a new Get My Payment tool. Here is what you need to know.

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  22105 Hits

Key Coronavirus Tax Changes - What every taxpayer should know

In addition to filing delays and stimulus payments, the IRS is implementing many changes in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Here are some of the major topics that could affect you and your family.

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  22782 Hits

COVID-19 Stimulus Payments. READ THIS NOW!

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act recently signed into law provides a one-time payment, among other items, to individuals to help ease the economic strain caused by the coronavirus epidemic.

Here are the details of the stimulus payment initiative.

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  21681 Hits

New Law Requires Small Business to Provide Paid Leave - Families First Coronavirus Response Act provides worker benefits

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act is a new law passed in late March that offers COVID-19 assistance for both employees and employers.

This new law provides businesses with fewer than 500 employees the funds to provide employees with paid leave, either for the employee’s own health needs or to care for family members.

Here are the details of the new law’s benefits:

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  31773 Hits

Tax Deadlines Move from April to July - What you need to know now!

The tax deadlines move from the April 15th tax deadline to July 15th, per U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. These announcements were made on Tuesday, March 17, 2020 and Friday March 20, 2020 with payment and penalty delays confirmed by an IRS notice.

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  20183 Hits

More time to file, pay for California taxpayers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic

 “During this public health emergency, every Californian should be free to focus on their health and wellbeing,” said State Controller Betty T. Yee, who serves as chair of FTB. “Having extra time to file their taxes helps allows people to do this, as the experts work to control the spread of coronavirus.”

This relief includes moving the various tax filing and payment deadlines that occur on March 15, 2020, through June 15, 2020, to June 15, 2020. This includes:

  • Partnerships and LLCs who are taxed as partnerships whose tax returns are due on March 15 now have a 90-day extension to file and pay by June 15.
  • Individual filers whose tax returns are due on April 15 now have a 60-day extension to file and pay by June 15.
  • Quarterly estimated tax payments due on April 15 now have a 60-day extension to pay by June 15.
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  22860 Hits

Kiddie Tax Rate Hike Rolled Back

Parents of young children will always have plenty to worry about. New tax legislation passed at the end of 2019 eliminates at least one of these worries. The new law repeals a provision that increased the tax a child had to pay on unearned income.

Best of all, these revised "kiddie tax" rules may be claimed retroactive to 2018, when the change initially took effect. It’s as if it never happened!

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  21731 Hits

Do I Really Need That #!*>x$! Tax Form 1095? Stop holding up your tax filing

Tax Form 1095 has been nothing but a headache since its introduction. This federally mandated form adds complexity, creates taxpayer confusion, and cost billions of dollars to produce. The purpose of the form is simple: to relay proof of your health insurance coverage, but too many taxpayers are now delaying filing tax returns while waiting for this form.

Top line: STOP WAITING for the form to file your tax return! At least for most of you.

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  24829 Hits

Make the Most of Recent Retirement Rule Changes - Reap the benefits of new laws

Recent legislation makes changes to popular retirement savings plans like IRAs and 401(k)s. Here are the major changes and how you can benefit from the new rules.

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  23507 Hits

Elections. Elections. Elections. - Tax savings can be found in the elections you make!

Every year is an election year when it comes to making decisions on your annual income tax return. Here are four common examples that can create tax savings opportunities if you elect the correct option.

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  23336 Hits

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