By Mike DiSabatino on Friday, 08 February 2013
Category: Weekly Tips

Time to Think About Commuting

Time to Think About Commuting
Don't leave this benefit on the table

$3.40 to $4.00 per gallon gas prices are quickly becoming the new norm. Congress and the President appear to be doing very little to control this inflationary cost. What can you do? Thankfully there are commuting benefits that can lower your cost of getting to and from work during 2013.


Transit Passes: up to $245/ month
Van Pooling: up to $245/month
Parking Allowance: up to $245/month
Bicycle Commuting: up to $20/month

How it works

Your employer can provide you the benefits listed above and you do not have to report the benefit on your income tax return. Because the benefit does not hit your W-2, you pay no federal tax, no state tax, no Social Security or Medicare.

Some tips

Many employees are unaware that their employer provides a transit benefit, so check it out. Even if they do not, perhaps they'll consider creating a salary-reduction alternative instead.